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FARABI team believes that partnering is very critical aspect for the company growth strategy, till date company has engaged with many leading Pharma companies to explore the contract manufacturing and distributing their Pharma products in Iraq. FARABI is actively exploring for reputable manufacturers who can partner with us for distributing their manufactured drugs in Iraq. Clear goals, quick decisions, short channels of communication, structured co-operation – that's what FARABI stands for.

We at FARABI are very experience and offer and share the following expertise with our partners in Iraq.
  • Nationwide Distribution
  • Sales and Marketing Management
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Market research

To inquire regarding Partnership opportunities with FARABI PHARMA, Please contact :

Ahmed Al Juburi
Chief Operating Officer and Business Development Director
Email id:

Strategic Partners :

FARABI PHARMA is very proud to work with world-class manufacturers to advance our mission of distributing Pharma/biopharma products to treat serious and chronic diseases.